Tuesday, Sept 14 - Wednesday, Sept 15
Our trip to Camp Bournedale is just around the corner!
Please read the following information carefully:
Payment and health forms
If you have not returned a completed permission slip or health form, one will be sent home with your child. Please complete the form and return it as soon as possible, all health forms must be returned by Tuesday, September 7th.
If you have not already paid in full, the remaining balance is due by Tuesday, September 7th. Reminder notes will go home with your child. Please remember to make checks payable to Burlington Public Schools – Camp Bournedale.
We had an excellent response to our invitation to chaperone. Chaperones and alternates were selected and notified last June. We understand that plans changes over time, so if you are not able to attend please contact us right away so that we may arrange for an alternate to attend. If you did not attend the Chaperone Informational Meeting, you must see Mr. Lyons before our trip. CORI forms must be up-to-date if you are attending.Directions: Parking is limited and chaperones should consider carpooling to Bournedale. Directions are available in both MSWord and PDF format on the Pine Glen 5 Wiki.
Packing List
A list of all supplies that your child will need went home with the original paperwork last spring. Please download another copy from the Pine Glen 5 Wiki if you cannot locate yours.Tuesday September 14th
Have your child at school, with luggage, no later than 8:15am on Tuesday, September 14th.If your child has medication that they need to bring and have administered, please put the medication in a plastic zip lock bag with your child’s name and instructions on the outside of the bag.
Please give the medication bag to a teacher in the morning before boarding the bus. We will give the bags to the camp nurse upon arrival. Make sure meds are in their original prescription containers.
ALL luggage must be labeled with child’s name and school (i.e. sleeping bags and pillows should be inside a trash bag with name and school clearly labeled on the outside.)
ednesday, September 15th
Your child will need to be picked up at Pine Glen at 1:30pm on Wednesday, September 15th. They will not be able take the regular dismissal bus with their luggage. If you child is going home with another parent you must write a note and give it to a teacher.Thank you for your cooperation and support. We are looking forward to a great adventure.
~5thgrade teachers