Today's math lesson was all about making choices. Should we use mental math, paper and pencil, or a calculator to find the answer to an equation or problem?

At first, students leaned heavily toward the far more "cool" method of using a calculator. But then we counted off by threes and the race was on! You can imagine the surprise when students were solving some equations more quickly using just their minds than their classmates aided by calculators! That wasn't always the case, however, with some equations answered more quickly by those with paper and pencil or calculators.
What we discovered:
- When numbers are easy to multiply, such as compatible numbers or multiples of 10, use mental math.
- When numbers are fairly small (1-digit by 2- or 3-digits), use paper and pencil.
- When numbers are large and you want an exact answer quickly, use a calculator.

We then practiced deciding which method would be best for a variety of problem-solving situations, with students holding up cards to indicate their choice. We also learned that not everyone would make the same choices and discussed how we each approach problem solving in our own unique way.
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